Monday, December 28, 2009

The Water Blob

The Water Blob

The blob is an air tube that floats in the water. Directly above it is a 30 foot high platform which extends out ward towards the water. The idea of the blob is that one person sits on the blob at the closest end to the water. One or a couple of people climb and jump from the 30 foot high platforms aiming to land on the nearest end of the blob which launches the other person or flyer who is waiting at the other end of the blob into the air and who lands ultimately into the water. Now for those of you who study physics and the conservation of energy when a 130lb person jumps off the platform and lands on the blob the other person sitting on the blob will pick up the kinetic energy of the falling person and get shot up 66% of the original persons height or in this case 20 feet. Now the boys figured this out very quickly and decided to solicit two people to jump off simultaneously and launch them. In Nicholas’ case he found two healthy Kiwi Schoolgirls weighing in at about 140 lbs each fo 280lbs in all to launch him. Nicholas is only about 130 lbs. if you did the math you would calculate that he travelled about 60 feet in the air after being launched. Christopher decided to do the same thing. Here is their flight pattern.

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