Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gettting started with a little Aloha

Aug 23, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Well, its finally a reality, after 5 years of dreaming,planning, scheming and doubting we are enroute. We left Calgary August 21st in the morning and had a large crew at the airport sending us off which included Millard, Brad and Debra, Janai and Mecca. We flew to San Francisco where we had a connecting flight to Honolulu. We originally had a 2 hour layover to make our connector. It turns out that the plane we were to take had some mechanical difficulties and had been grounded ( it would not have made it<>considering we would be flying over open water for about 5 hours). United airlines flew a replacement aircraft in from the islands to pick us up. a 2 hour delay turned into a 7-8 hour delay but no worries, it was for safety reasons so you just role with it. The flight was uneventful which is what we like and we checked into the waikiki Park Heights condos and have two units on the 18th floor each with ociean views. we are only about 1 block away from Waikiki beach.

The first day in Hawaii was a bit of a set up day in the morning however we were in full swing by the afternoon and the family spent the balance of the day enjoying the beach and the hot sun which we enjoyed immensely after such a crappy summer in Calgary. The evening was spent walking to the International market and exploring the hundreds of merchants and wares which all seemed to look alike after a short while. We took in the Jamaican steel pan drummers and the tacky ukalale trio.

Today the kids were determined to learn how to surf and spent 7 hours straight in the ocean figuring it out. By the end of the day they were all enjoying riding the waves and riding them the length of 5 football fields strung together and landing on the beach. They are hooked. Looks like we may have to break out the Beach Boy tunes.

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